Monday 29 October 2018

ELLE Cover

The well-established brand, Elle, has their masthead written in bold white writing serif font to emphasis the importance and sophistication of the brand, this is reinforced as the star image covers up some of the letters of the title. This gives the audience the understanding that the brand is secure in its self to know that the audience will know their brand if they can't see the whole title. The white font connotes themes of purity and religious aspects and it catches the readers attention and it is easily recognisable to many. Keira Knightley is the star image and attracts the audience as she is a role model to many and her supporting the brand 'Elle' may show that they both share the same thoughts and opinions. The powerful stance that Knightley has adopted, shows her having a direct eyeliner match with the sky which relates to religious beliefs, this puts her on a pedestal as she is seen as holy and one with God. The bold red lipstick has multiple readings as it can be seen as displaying themes of danger, love, hate and luck. This red creates a focal point for the audience inviting them into the image, creating an element of excitement to the work, this works well with her slightly parted lips and it gives the work power and reinforces sexual themes. The white and red in the colour palette, acts as binary oppositions as the dark connotations related to the red completely counteracts the pureness of the white.

The numerous cover lines on the front cover of the magazines are set to empower the audience, the key word 'strong" has a visual link with Knightly as she is a strong female role. This is in harmony with her stance where the lighting creates hash shadows on her face, reinforcing her jaw line and most prominent features. The use of sans serif, reinforces the simplicity of the brand, which makes the audience create certain ideologies about the brand and what they entail in their work.
Kiera Knightley's name is shown in bold yellow writing which increases the tempo of the work, it brings and element of life which may be showing her character that she is new, fun and bright. As she is being used as the celebrity endorsement of this Elle magazine she appeals a certain market audience that likes her and what she stands for.. This draws the attention of her fan-base and makes the audience know her personally. 

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