Thursday 18 October 2018

GQ cover

The central focal point of the GQ front cover is of Zayn Malik who is a star image, which appeals to a large range of audiences. The application of a celebrity endorsement who is also GQ award winner of most stylish man of the year attracts the audience, and hence creates the ideology that the star likes the magazine, so you should to. The use of a close up shot and the direct eyeline match invites the audience closer to the work and the ‘world’ that he lives in which makes the audience want to buy it to learn more about him. The desire that the audience has to read the spread is reinforced with the sexual attraction that is created through his slightly parted lips. This element of desirability and sexual connotations is juxtaposed through the white in the colour palette. White has connotations of purity and an angelic like nature, which is supposedly linked to Malik’s character and lifestyle. Also, there is negative space which sets the model apart from the rest of the world that the magazine creates making him the focal point.

The second biggest piece of text is the ‘Zayn Malik’ which show his importance to the magazine, it also shows his links with brand that he endorses it and stands for what the brand stands for. His importance is heightened as his name is in the centre of the magazine which contrasts the smaller text on the right-hand side. These are names of other celebrities who are featured in the magazine, but it connotes that he is better and/or more important than them. The slogan says ‘The 20thAnniversary Men of The Year Awards Special Issue’ which makes it sound exclusive and it shows that the magazine has been around for a long time proving its success. The exclusivity which is addressed make the audience feel privileged and excited to be a partner of the brand.

The masthead is very simple and does not go across the top of it and is instead in the left-hand corner as well as covering a bit of the cover star. Furthermore the word ‘British’ on the ‘G’ shows that it is an international brand and has multiple GQ around the world. On the corner of the magazine it say collectors edition which show that it is a special edition and they are limited time and copies, making it much more exclusive and making people more likely to by a copy.

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