Monday 26 November 2018

My Audience

16-25 AB demographic

Representing stars and style:

  1. Partying
  2. Looking good
  3. Staying cool
  4. They are individuals who are stylish, cool and have a rising influence of urban fashion and music.                      
  5. Urban high fashion
  6. Styler
  7. Aspiring ti their luxury lifestyle
Aims of my magazine to appeal to my audience:

  1. Young 
  2. Cool
  3. Stylish
  4. Mysterious
  5. Hip 
  6. Inspiring
  7. Representative 

  1. Materialistic
  2. Image
  3. Appearance 
  4. Charisma 
  5. Trendy
  6. Status
  7. Attractive 
  8. Cult brands 
  9. Fashion
  10. Unique 
  11. Induvidual
  12. Bold 
  13. Daring

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